What is creativity?
Perhaps your barrier to creativity is not knowing what it means… but then again, who does? The most important thing is to know what it means to you. What do you feel drawn to as a form of expressing yourself?
Mindfulness 101
Image shows Chantelle lying in a child’s pose wearing a white tshirt and black bike shorts with white swirls.
Did you know that mindfulness is an ancient practice derived from Buddhist teachings? Borrowing a quote from Jon Kabatt-Zin, mindfulness is:
“the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally”.
Of course, I have some issues with quoting a middle aged, white man when talking about something derived from ancient Buddhism and Hindu work but…
3 Proactive Mental Health tips you needed in your life, yesterday.
Image shows “mental health’ written in scrabble tiles with a green leaf.
I wanted to share some proactive mental health tips with you, things that you can do when things are okay. There are tools that we need when we feel like things are melting down around us, I call these crisis mode tools but what we are looking at here are the proactive mental health tools.
Disordered eating - the normalisation of problematic behaviours.
The image reads “You can be healthy at any size”
Disordered eating, what is it? What’s the difference between and eating disorder vs. disordered eating. How does weight stigma and anti-fat beliefs impact our relationship with food?
4 Myths about Eating Disorders
The image above shows a black man on the left wearing a white t shirt, sitting on the couch with a woman of colour wearing a white shirt with black polka dots and blue jeans. They are sharing some dumplings with a jar of sauce.
Limiting Beliefs: An alternative view.
Limiting beliefs; what are they? Are limiting beliefs bad? How can we change our limiting beliefs?
Mindful Movement
today’s body: a concept I refer to a lot in my classes.
Mindful movement encourages movers to think about their needs in the present moment. Different from yesterday’s body and different from tomorrow’s body.
today’s body refers to the whole human experience in this flesh suit of ours. I believe all of our intricate systems are inextricably woven. today’s body includes the mind, it is all encompassing.
Defining Perfectionism
The image shows Chantelle smiling widely and holding her ponytail in a playful way.
How do we define perfectionism? And can perfectionism be healthy? I share my experience with perfectionism and how I learnt to define it for myself.
The Blogging Journey Begins
The image shows a staircase and blue skies.
The beginning of my blogging adventure. Will anyone read my blog? I don’t know, but I am going to do it anyway.